Move Away From Fear
To Stepping Out in Faith
Too many times fear prevents us from moving forward in our lives or business. We want to know the end before we take a step forward. Faith allows us to quiet fear and to take the steps needed to progress. We are placed on this planet for a reason and with a mission to fulfill. God has given us the desire and everything we need to fulfill our mission. However, the spirit of fear can come in to kill, steal and destroy our dreams. We must use the word to defeat the enemy and prevent fear from holding us back. We do this when we focus on our mission and walk by faith.
* You're stuck with analysis paralysis
* You have a dream that you're not pursuing because you're unsure of the outcome
* You have a calling but don't feel up to the challenge
* You’ve been holding back rather than going all in to pursue your dream or calling
* You don't believe in the Word of God
* You think faith is only about positive thoughts
* You’re not ready to take active steps to make a change in your life
* What the Bible says about fear and faith
* Common causes of fear that hold you back in your life and business
* Concrete action steps to take to move away from fear
* Lessons from Christ to step out in faith resulting in peace, joy, and success in your life and business
Comparing Ourselves to Others
Gratitude List
Provisions List
Faith Building Worksheet
Stepping Out In Faith